Pocket Reduction Surgery
When a patient develops periodontal disease, the supporting bone and tissue around the tooth is destroyed leading to the formation of pockets around the tooth. Ideally, the bone and gum tissue should fit snuggly around your teeth, but when pockets progress to a depth of 5 millimeters, they become too deep to clean with at-home oral hygiene, allowing for bacteria to build up. This makes it necessary to reduce the depth of the pockets in order to facilitate plaque removal.
What does pocket reduction surgery involve?
Before recommending treatment or performing any procedure, your periodontist will assess the condition of the teeth, gums, and underlying bone. To make patients feel more comfortable during the procedure, a local or general anesthetic will be used, depending on the preferences of the patient.
The gums will be gently pulled back from the teeth and bacteria and calculus (tartar) will be removed. Scaling and root planing will generally be required to completely remove the tartar from the surface of the tooth root. If the root is not completely smooth, a planing procedure will be performed to ensure the gums will not reattach to rough or uneven surfaces when they heal.
Lastly, an antimicrobial liquid is applied to eliminate any remaining bacteria and promote healing. The gum is then sutured with tiny stitches that are left in place for 5-10 days.
The gums may be sensitive immediately following the procedure, but you should notice a significant reduction in pocket depth and a vast improvement in your overall oral condition.
Reasons for pocket reduction surgery:
- Reducing the spread of bacteria originating in the gum pockets
- Halting bone loss brought on by oral bacteria
- Makes it easier to clean teeth and gums during an at-home routine
- Improves overall appearance and smile
If you’d like to learn more or schedule a consultation, fill out the form below and someone from our team will be in touch.
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