Cost of Veneers in Michigan


Veneers have made a big comeback with major changes since the 1980s as one of the best ways to get the perfect dentition and smile. They are thin, custom-made shells that cover teeth to enhance their aesthetics and provide a radiant smile. As a result, they are frequently referred to as “smile makeovers.” Even though they can alter a tooth’s length, size, color, form, and function, veneers are primarily thought of as aesthetic dental operations and are not covered by insurance most of the time. This is why it is important to know how much they cost, the factors affecting the cost, and every other related business before going for a veneer installation.

Which Veneers Are Right for You?

A beautiful smile may be achieved by using veneers to conceal dental flaws. There are benefits and drawbacks to each of the different veneer varieties. A dentist is in the best position to advise you on what is best for you before you get the veneers installed. Your budget, the quantity of units you intend to buy, and the aesthetics you choose will all influence the sort of veneer that is ideal for you. A consultation with a dentist will also help you determine whether or not a veneer installation is the best way to correct your tooth problems, as not every dental problem necessitates a veneer installation. [1]

Average Cost of Veneers in Michigan

The average cost of a full dental veneer procedure could be as little as $100 or up to $2,000 or more, and this depends on all the factors we will discuss below.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Veneers

Here are some factors that affect the cost of veneers significantly and that you should take into consideration when you opt to have veneers installed in your teeth.

Type of Veneers

The cost of veneers is significantly influenced by the kind of veneer you select. Porcelain veneers look exactly like real teeth and blend in seamlessly. They are somewhat more costly than composite resin veneers because of their more transparent and tooth-like appearance.

Dentist Fee

The cost of labor varies significantly from dentist to dentist. Some dentists charge a higher fee for aesthetic dentistry operations than they do for regular dental services. Additionally, extra pre-planning work will be required by the dentist in order to place composite resin veneers. It is an extremely labor-intensive technique if the dentist makes and places the composite resin veneers during the appointment. On the other hand, you’ll have to pay lab costs if you get indirect veneers manufactured somewhere else.

The Coverage of Your Insurance

How much you have to spend out of pocket depends on the kind of dental insurance you have. Some dental insurance plans don’t cover items and treatments for aesthetic dentistry. Check your policy to be certain if you’re not sure whether dental veneers are covered. After that, you should contact your dental insurance provider to ask any other questions you may have regarding the cost of your veneers.

Number of Teeth Covered

Obviously, your final cost will depend on how many teeth you have covered with veneers. It’s not necessary to obtain veneers for every tooth, let alone for every one that is visible. You can acquire just one veneer or however many you require to mask stains, blemishes, misaligned teeth, or broken teeth because they resemble natural teeth. You might decide not to have your dentist add veneers to teeth that already look great, so they won’t seem out of place next to your other teeth.


The price of getting veneers put on your teeth might vary depending on where the dentist is located. For instance, veneers are normally more expensive in a big city than they are in a small one.

Cost of Veneers by Type

Now that we have considered the likely factors that affect the cost of veneers, it is important to know that veneers come in different types. These types are made differently, and their cost differs as much as the materials they are made of. [2]

Porcelain Veneers

The most frequently used material utilized to make veneers is porcelain. The lifespan of porcelain veneers is between 10 and 15 years, and they are tooth-colored, adaptable, and entirely customized. Compared to composite veneers, they are more stain-resistant and constructed of ceramic materials.

Another advantage of porcelain veneers is their low invasiveness and conservatism, particularly when compared to alternatives such as crowns.The gum tissue and other soft tissues in the mouth are often not adversely impacted by them since they are biocompatible, which means they are generally safe.

Porcelain veneers are often fairly costlier than other types of veneers, ranging from $150 to $330 per tooth.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers can be used in place of porcelain veneers. They are created from composite resin, which combines organic and inorganic components. The same bonding material that is used to create tooth-colored dental fillings is also used to create these veneers. Composite veneers are sturdy but not as long-lasting as porcelain. Additionally, over time, they may stain more easily. Composite veneers are the most affordable option for patients who want to improve the appearance of their teeth on a tight budget, typically costing between $110 and $190.


Because Lumineers are so thin, teeth do not need to be reshaped or reduced in size. They can also be reversed. Although useful, they are more likely to chip than conventional veneers, which might reduce their longevity. However, Lumineers may last just as long as conventional porcelain veneers if properly cared for. There is very little preparation for veneer installation needed for this type, and they typically cost between $150 and $300 per tooth.

dental implants

Frequently Asked Questions

Are veneers worth the cost?

Veneers might be considered a little expensive by a lot of people, but the truth remains that they are well worth the cost. The changes a veneer installation will make to your teeth are well worth the price you pay for them. They can also last for 10 years or more, so consider them a long-term investment that is totally worth the hassle of getting them done.

What is a cheaper option than veneers?

There are other cheaper alternatives to veneers that you might consider getting if you feel veneers are rather expensive for you. One of them is dental bonding, which can also be used to fix broken or misshapen front teeth.

Are veneers cheaper than implants?

Most times, implants are known to cost about double or triple the price of veneers, so getting veneers for your teeth can be considered a cheaper alternative to implants.


  1. What to Know Before You Get Dental Veneers. Healthline Media. 
  2. What Is the Cost of Veneers. Psychreg Ltd.